
How to delimit fire pump

2019-05-08 768

Selection and application should conform to delimitation

1. The function of fire pump should satisfy the requirement of flow and pressure of fire water supply system.

2. The power of the driver of the fire pump should satisfy the power requirement of any point on the function curve of the flow head of the selected pump.

3. When the fire pump driven by electric idea is used, the fire pump installed by dry electric idea should be selected.

4. Flow head function curve should be smooth curve without hump, inflection point, and zero flow pressure should not be greater than 140% of the design working pressure, and should be greater than 120% of the design working pressure.

5. When the outlet flow rate is 150% of the designed flow rate, the outlet pressure should not be lower than 65% of the designed working pressure.

6. The sealing mode and material of the pump shaft should meet the requirements of the fire pump running at low flow rate.

7. The fire pump type of the unified fire water supply pump group should be the same, and the working pump should not exceed three.

8. When several fire pumps are connected in parallel, the influence of flow superposition on the outlet pressure of fire pumps should be checked.

2. Major materials shall conform to the delimitation

1. Ductile iron is suitable for pump housing.

2. The impeller should be bronze or stainless steel.

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